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  • Lily Myojo

Intuitive Information on Coronavirus By Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest, Ph.D

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

Transcription of Podcast "Journal of a Medical Intuitive"

Episode 5, Coronavirus: Physical and Energetic Aspects

Listen to Her Podcast Here:

Welcome to "Journal of a Medical Intuitive"

Good afternoon, and welcome to "Journal of a Medical Intuitive". I'm your host Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest, Medical Intuitive. This is episode 5 on April 6th, 2020. And we're listening to a little background music from Power Thoughts Meditation Club on Youtube, one of my favorites.

Today's episode is dedicated once again to the coronavirus. I've been receiving intuitive information about this pandemic from my guides. I first began receiving information on March 24th, this is my third posting about this. Today I'm going to talk about the new information that I got about the coronavirus and also review some of the earlier information that I received.

Coronavirus: A Manifestation of Humanity

Coronavirus energy is an outpicturing of our behavior of harm.

Now, when I first tuned into the coronavirus on April 1st, my guides showed me a picture of planet earth. And they showed me the coronavirus as this giant energy that's surrounding planet earth. So that little image you see everywhere of what the virus looks like is what the energy looks like around the planet. And so the entire planet is engulfed in the energy of this virus, not just its physical manifestation.

What they said was that this is a manifestation or an outpicturing of who we are right now as people of what we've been doing on the planet. That is maybe hard to hear, but I think we need to hear it - and that is bullying and harming one another. So what my guides were explaining was that from the higher perspective, from those looking at the earth from the outside, our coronavirus energy is an outpicturing of our behavior of harm: of harming one another, of bullying, and of oppressing people. And that it's been going on for so long that we have now created an entire energetic matrix to represent that. And that that's taking a form of this virus which has also now manifested physically in the body of mother earth.

Illness as a Cry to Change Course

Planet earth is now manifesting this virus this illness to get our attention so that we make a major shift.

Now, as a medical intuitive, when I work with people who are sick they come to me with various ailments. What I often find is that the illness that a person has is a manifestation of something that's been going on for quite a while in their body and their life. Over time, say someone is grieving for a long time over time that grief can build up, build up and manifest in the lungs; or somebody can be angry for a very long time and that can manifest in the kidneys.

Often times when I look at individual people, I find that their bodies will manifest an illness to get their attention - to get them to change course; or to recognize something, to learn something, or to dramatically change their life. And the bigger the illness, the bigger the change that is required in the body. So people that come to me with very serious life threatening conditions like heart disease, MS, cancer - these people are dealing with really major life changes that need to be made to get better.

So we see the same thing happening with planet earth. Planet earth is now manifesting this virus, this illness to get our attention so that we make a major shift. And so the purpose of this virus, well, that's not the correct interpretation; I shouldn't say the purpose of the virus. But the opportunity of this virus is to accelerate our shift in consciousness.

Competing Energies: Light vs. Harm

We have an opportunity at this time to choose which direction we're going to go in.

There are a lot of people on the planet who are working on shifting the global consciousness up, people called lightworkers, healers, starseeds. And then there are other people who are engaged in a lot of harm, bullying and victimization. So we have these two kind of competing energies on the planet right now. Now although we have this giant coronavirus energy on the planet, we also have this giant light grid on the planet. The light grid is all of the light workers; all of the people who are working to send and connect the lights. So we have the light grid on the planet and then we also have a coronavirus energy matrix on the planet. These are two competing energy matrixes. And we have an opportunity at this time to choose which direction we're going to go in.

Humanity as the Problem

It's really important that we not see ourselves as victims and that we also not engage in any bullying activity.

Now one of the things that the guides told me was that the people in the other places, in other star systems, look at planet earth and they see us as a giant coronavirus - like we are a virus that could infest the universe. We are contagious, or they are worried that we are contagious - that our energy of harm, of war, of rape, of abuse could be spread to other places.

And so I thought this was an interesting way to think about it, because we tend to think of ourselves as victims. And this is one of the things that has been impressed upon me in these transmissions and these downloads I'm getting is that it's really important that we not see ourselves as victims and that we also not engage in any bullying activity. And so we have to make sure we do neither of those things - neither see ourselves as victims nor perpetuate harm as bullies. Don't oppress anyone, don't get caught up in being oppressed.

When you look at from this larger perspective of "actually we are the problem, planet earth is the virus", then we recognize it. We just have to take responsibility for this virus - all of us. We all have to take responsibility for this virus. We're all responsible. This is who we are. And we have to decide to be somebody else as a planet.

Lightworkers and the Giant Light Grid

If you have the ability to help, now is the time to step up and express your gifts and to help.

Now the light. Because all of these lightworkers - by lightworker I mean people who are focused on healing and helping and being of service to others, raising the vibration of the planet. Some people raise it in their immediate environment, and other people raise it by working collaborative with people in other places.

Because of this light network that's already on the planet - some people have heard of it being talked about as a light grid - the light grid is there. And so there's an opportunity now to strengthen that light grid. and this coordinated light on the planet could promote, could defeat the coronavirus and so the potential for the coronavirus is that it could cause us to accelerate our work on the light grid. This is an opportunity for those of us who are doing that type of work to accelerate our work. So if you are a light worker of any kind, if you have any gifts, if you are a healer, if you have the ability to help, now is the time to step up and express your gifts and to help.

Plants and Animals

The plants and the animals are strengthening themselves so that they can help us and help the planet.

Now, the coronavirus is doing something good for the planet as well in that it is helping the plants and animals. So right now because humans are staying home and we're taking a break from our patterns of abuse to the environment, it's allowing the plants and animals to strengthen themselves to grow in our absence. And this is very good for the planet. This very good for mother earth.

What's happening is the plants and the animals are strengthening themselves so that they can help us and help the planet. And they are available to help us. So we have an opportunity now to begin to ask for help from the plant, animal, rock people, from mother earth. We can call out to them, we can commune with them, we can ask for their assistance to help us heal ourselves and also to heal the planet. So now its really important that we find ways to connect with the plants and the animals, the rocks, the crystals, mother earth. If you have a tiny little patch of grass that you can go stand on, you can go stand on it now and you ask the earth to heal you. If you just have one little plant in your house, one little house plant, you go sit with that plant. And if you have an animal in your house you ask that animal for assistance. Now a lot of people are fostering, adopting dogs - this is great. All of these poor animals who are in shelters are being placed in homes, and that's wonderful. Because this is going to allow us to heal all of these dogs that we have harmed. All these dogs and cats and rabbits and other animals that are in shelters are there because of human abuse and we now have a chance to heal them, and they also can heal us.

Starseeds Unite Now

Now this is also a time for the starseeds to come together; and so if you're a starseed you probably already know what that word means. Call somebody else, join up with some others. I'm going to be hosting a starseed meeting online.

Effect on the Heart

The virus works on the heartstrings - both symbolically and physically.

And I want to review now a few of the things that I was told about the coronavirus earlier. Actually, no - there's one more thing that I forgot to mention from the most recent download. It's really important in terms of the physicality of this condition, and that is that the virus works on the heartstrings - both symbolically and physically. So this virus affects the heart and it also affects the emotional heart. And so everybody is suffering, and people are going to be suffering just witnessing other people suffering. But also were going to physically be feeling the effects of this virus in our hearts.

Physical Qualities of Covid-19

Novel Coronavirus 2019 comes into your body and begins to work with other viruses.

Let me say a little bit more about the physical qualities of this virus and this will partially be a review of what I reviewed in March. The virus is so potent, because it collaborates with other viruses in our body. So if you already have the flu virus, or you already have Epstein-Barr virus, or you already have some other virus from another condition that you may have had in the past, and it's gone dormant in your body or a condition that's current in your body, then what happens is the coronavirus, the novel coronavirus 2019, comes into your body and begins to work with these other viruses. That's why some people get just a little bit sick and other people get very sick and some people die. It has to do with how many viruses were already in their body.

Now the way that doctors are seeing this in the study, if you look at the studies that the Chinese have done of the earliest cases, they found that people with preexisting conditions in the heart and the lungs and with diabetes had the highest mortality rates. And then the people who were over 65 also had the highest mortality rates. I think that's because those conditions are associated with viruses even if modern medicine - western medicine - doesn't understand that yet. Diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, a lot of conditions are associated with viruses, dormant viruses perhaps. And also it's because the older person gets, the more viruses they have in their body that they've collected over time. That's why its harder for them to sustain an effective immune response to this newest virus that tends to collaborate with other viruses. So thats one thing.

Not Just Lungs, but Also the Heart

It's when you get reinfected that it begins to affect the heart.

The other thing is that this is a virus that's affecting the heart. Right now what the studies are showing is that it's affecting the lungs. But what they also share with me is that this is the kind of thing that you don't build an immunity to - you get it, you get better, but then you can get it again. And when you get reinfected, it can be worse. And so I think it's when you get reinfected that it begins to affect the heart.

More Contagious Than We Know

They have found that the coronavirus can be transmitted on toilet seats in public bathrooms.

So what they share with me in the earlier posting was that this condition is very contagious, and its more contagious than we know. And since that first download on March 24th, I have now seen a study coming out of China yesterday showing that they have found that the coronavirus can be transmitted on toilet seats in public bathrooms - and they didn't know that before. So this is going to keep happening over time. They're going to keep discovering more and more ways in which the virus has transmitted. They have discovered that it's transmitted on surfaces and that it can be transmitted by breathing. And over time they're going to have a greater understanding of this. This is important because people are taking steps to avoid exposure to it, but people really don't realize all the steps they need to take.


The purpose of my sharing this information is to help, and that is the only purpose.

So and let me just say I know a lot of this is really hard to hear and so I'll give my disclaimer that I like to give. This is information that I've received intuitively. I recognize that I may be wrong, and that my guidance - that I may have misinterpreted what I've received, and I also recognize that this information can be upsetting for people. But the purpose of my sharing this information is to help, and that is the only purpose. I'm only trying to help.

I've waited five days to share this most recent information, because I've been thinking about how difficult it is for all of us to deal with what we're going through to see all these people dying. We're at a thousand people a day rate now in the US, and it's very hard for us to see this. So I want to add to our understanding of this virus, not add to our suffering, and that's my intention. It's to provide information that I've received intuitively that hopefully be of help to people. So I apologize if anything I'm sharing is upsetting to people, and I just hope that this information can be used to save lives and to comfort those who are enduring this.

No Immunity

It [is] more contagious than we realize. I got that we're not going to build an immunity necessarily.

I wanted to share a little bit more of the information that I got in the first download. And so I got that it was more contagious than we realize. I got that we're not going to build an immunity necessarily, but that it would be possible to be reinfected. So people need to be cautious and not rush out of their quarantines as soon as they feel better.

Love Conquers the Coronavirus

Love is the only thing that really is going to defeat this energy of bullying that's associated with the coronavirus.

I also got that we need to really focus on love at this time - that love is the only thing that really is going to defeat this energy of bullying that's associated with the coronavirus. So we all have to refrain from arguing, from treating people as less than, or contributing to anybody's oppression.

What I think we are going to see is a growth in our sense of unity as a human population. We're going to begin to see each other as one ,and to take care of each other. So we're going to help the homeless get housed. We're going to have the women who are being abused by their partners - their domestic violence - we're going to address that. We're going to feed the hungry. And we're going to begin to treat each other like brothers and sisters and sister brothers and this is how this coronavirus is going to help us shift to a higher vibration.


There's an incredible amount of grief that we are experiencing. And so we all need to have compassion for ourselves and for each other.

Another thing that I was told was that one of the energies that comes with this virus, which is maybe obvious at this point but I think still bears stating, is grief. We are all in a state of grief. And so whether or not you have personally lost a loved one, or not, you are grieving. We're all grieving the loss of so many people and so many things.

We're grieving the loss of our freedom. We're grieving the loss of our jobs. We're grieving our loss of our ability to see friends and family, our ability to have social lives. We're grieving the loss of our contact with nature. You know, I usually hike and I can't hike. And it's hard to not be able to hike. there are so many things that we're grieving. So many aspects of our life that we're grieving.

And in addition to grieving the loss of life, we're watching on the news people dying every day in large numbers. We have friends dying. We have family members dying. We have people in the hospital who we cannot visit and even comfort and hold their hand and say I'm here with you. We are burying our dead without funerals, proper funerals - because we can't be in contact with the infected.

There's an incredible amount of grief that we are experiencing. And so we all need to have compassion for ourselves and for each other. Because we are grieving, and we are going to be grieving for months.

We Are Going to Get Through This

Do everything you can to contribute to the light, to contribute to love.

I just want to end by asking everybody to do everything you can to contribute to the light - to contribute to love; to do whatever you can to love your fellow human. And if we all do this, we're going to get through this.

I'll be posting - I'll be uploading episodes about the coronavirus as the information flows to me. And I'll also continue to be giving information about medical intuition more generally.

Thank you, be well.

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Please share this message if it resonated with you.

Dr. Vest's spirit guides wish to have this message spread worldwide to as many people as possible.

Thank you. ✨

—Lily Myojo (Translator)

Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest, Ph.D's Website:

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